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Questions for Usability Testing

Layout design  What is your first impression of this design/layout? What do you notice first when you look at this screen/page? Did you have any trouble understanding the interface? Design clarity  How would you rate the clarity of the instructions/guidance provided? Do the options/buttons/links make sense to you? Are there any terms or language used that are unclear? Were there any elements on the screen that distracted you or seemed unnecessary? Design look and feel  How did using this product make you feel? Were there any moments of frustration or delight while using this product? How does the overall aesthetic appeal to you? How would you describe the tone and language used in the product? How would you describe the overall look and feel of the interface? Does anything stand out to you immediately as either positive or negative? Findability and navigation experience  Were you able to find all the necessary information to complete this task? How easy or difficult is it to navigate b
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CX Strategy

A customer experience (CX) strategy is a company's plan to create positive experiences for customers at every touchpoint of their journey. The goal of a good CX strategy is to exceed customer expectations, which can lead to loyal customers who recommend the brand to others. To create an extraordinary impact on the world through our culture and technology excellence. Start with customer experience and work backwards with the technology. - Steve Jobs What benefits can we give to the customer? Where can we take the customer next?   Customer Privacy, Trust, Loyalty, Reliability is utmost important.  Social media and customer feedback management - Reputation management  Customer Journey Mapping:   Empathy Mapping : What do we know about our customers and what we need to know so that we can plan that.  Personalization / connection / a relationship with a brand : people want to buy from people not from machines. We need to create Human moments that matter to our business not customer and

Planning UX Research

UX research by itself, involves gathering information about target users and their needs in order to provide realistic contexts and insights into design processes. UX researchers apply a range of methods to uncover important facts that can be included in the design process in order to identify challenges and design opportunities.  The goal of creating a plan for UX research is to facilitate the process of managing your UX studies, make it easy for you to keep track of results as well as create a clear research strategy that you can follow.  Benefits of having a plan   Helping you stay focused on the goals Engaging stakeholders in the process Keeping track of the results   Title:  Every good project needs a name. Include the title of the project you’re working on in order for it to be identified. Author : Add the name and contact of the person in charge of executing the plan. You may also include names of other persons to whom readers can send their feedback and inputs about the content

User Research Frameworks

A UX research framework is a systematic approach that guides the process of conducting research. It helps to ensure that the process is well-structured and organized, and contains a set of research tools, methods and principles that researchers utilize for understanding the users and their needs better. Having an established UX research framework helps to create a structured approach, save time, align research and business goals and foster collaboration.  There’s a list of key components for a classical research framework, that includes research methods, tools, research plan, analysis techniques and ethical considerations. A good UX research framework should provide valuable insight into the company’s research processes and how they’re structured. To make your framework even more helpful and save time, include handy templates, scripts and cheat sheets that you often use in your research. Here are all the things it can help with: Creating a structured approach : UX research frameworks b

Choosing a User Research Method

As ever, you’ll want to start with well-defined goals and clear research questions. Identify your research goals, which should be statements about what you’re trying to learn from your research. To define your research goals, ask yourself: What do I want to know? What don’t I know? How will I know when I’ve learned it? What company goals will this work support? Where am I in the product development process? What decision will this research enable?  What are the anticipated outcomes of this research? Refine the answers to these questions through stakeholder research. Good research questions are specific, actionable, and practical. They also contain clues about who you need to recruit and which methods you’ll need to use. Example questions   Are our customers able to successfully navigate to the support page on our site? What are the primary motivating factors behind the decision to purchase pet insurance? What tools do college students use to keep track of their schedules? Pick the righ

UX Research

User experience (UX) research is a method of understanding how customers interact with a brand and how easily they complete tasks and meet their goals. UX research methods generate insights about users, their behavior, motivations, and needs. These insights can help identify user challenges and improve the user experience. User experience (UX) research is the study of end users needs and wants from the product/service, then employing those insights to enhance the design.  UX Research Methods   Qualitative vs. quantitative methods Generative vs. evaluative methods Attitudinal vs. behavioral methods Remote vs. in-person user research  Moderated vs. unmoderated methods Qualitative When conducting UX research, researchers study the motivations, behaviors and needs of users by analyzing how they perform certain tasks. UX research can also approach testing by working directly with users, remotely observing users using digital tools or conducting surveys to collect user feedback. Using quanti

UX Strategies for Banking Products

How does it help?  Ensuring Accessibility : It prioritizes clear navigation and content organization. A product that is accessible to all users including users with disabilities.    Generating Trust and Credibility : By focusing on several key aspects -- clear communication, consistency, security, accessibility, user feedback, and empathy -- banks can create positive user experiences that build trust and loyalty among their customers. Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity : improving accessibility, improving customer experience, reducing errors, and enabling self-service options. By simplifying complex tasks, UX design can reduce the time and effort required from both banking customers and employees. Prioritizing Compliance and Security : This aids in building customer trust, managing risk, maintaining brand reputation, and meeting customer expectations. Well-designed interfaces guide users in adhering to security protocols. As banks are subject to strict regulatory requirements Enabli