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Showing posts from July, 2024

Questions for Usability Testing

Layout design  What is your first impression of this design/layout? What do you notice first when you look at this screen/page? Did you have any trouble understanding the interface? Design clarity  How would you rate the clarity of the instructions/guidance provided? Do the options/buttons/links make sense to you? Are there any terms or language used that are unclear? Were there any elements on the screen that distracted you or seemed unnecessary? Design look and feel  How did using this product make you feel? Were there any moments of frustration or delight while using this product? How does the overall aesthetic appeal to you? How would you describe the tone and language used in the product? How would you describe the overall look and feel of the interface? Does anything stand out to you immediately as either positive or negative? Findability and navigation experience  Were you able to find all the necessary information to complete this task? How easy or difficult is it to navigate b